Monday, September 24, 2012

It's TIME to think about booking your HOLIDAY party!

You might still be holding on to summer, but as any seasoned party planner knows, the holidays can creep up before you know it. To make sure you're not caught unprepared we at Events InStyle thought you could use a gentle reminder….

We KNOW, It can be a daunting task.  But somebody has to do it and YOU know it needs to be done, but making all those people happy can be a chore by itself.
Whether your company has 5 or 500 people, trying to make them all happy for one evening can be a nightmare.  Planning the food so everyone has something to eat – the vegetarians, the gluten-free-ers, the I only want it if there’s meat in it participants – the list goes on.
Where do you book? Where do you start? How do you choose even what to call it?  Holiday Party, Christmas Bash, Just come so we can have real social time together – gifts, no-gifts, anonymous gifts, dollar limit gifts… It really can be a tough call, especially when you – all kidding aside – need to keep multi-cultural members of your workforce in mind.
Well – we’re here to rescue you from the molehill that’s become a mountain.  At Events InStyle, we’ve hosted countless parties, and we know how to keep the perfect "Balance" to meet the needs of all your guests.
Holiday parties, retirement parties, end-of-the-quarter-and-the-numbers-are-up parties – anything your office needs to celebrate, let us help you plan THE party you and your officemates will never forget.
With customizable menus, warm inviting décor, on-site coordinators, stress free event planning, we will help ensure that you are all the talk around the water cooler the next day, but only because you made the right call.
Give us a call 613-440-4446 and let us help you Celebrate your next event InStyle! 

Your office has had enough stress, it’s time for some celebrating! 

PS - We ALL know Santa has helpers .. Let us be yours!!